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Category: Travelinsure Travel Stories

  • 6 Exciting Waterfalls in Mpumalanga

    6 Exciting Waterfalls in Mpumalanga

    I love waterfalls. I’m the kind of bloke who if he hears there is a waterfall nearby, I have to see it. There is an African saying, “A river is a mysterious thing, Where did you come from? Where are you going? A river is a child.” If you are that kind where waterfalls arouse…

  • International health insurance for cycling in France

    International health insurance for cycling in France

    For those of you that don’t know a bicycle tour the way I do it is my own self-made tour. You can get some excellent tours organised by professionals who provide you with bikes and accommodation as you go, but if you haven’t guessed, I like adventure, in particular adventure where you have to be…

  • Travel insurance for South Africans – Adventures in Mana part 2

    Travel insurance for South Africans – Adventures in Mana part 2

    The great thing about Mana pools is you are allowed to walk. Many people visiting are afraid to do this but the flood plains near the river are open with big trees, so visibility in winter is considerable and theoretically you can see dangerous animals and avoid getting too close. For those unfamiliar with the…

  • Travel Insurance Medical Claim in real life

    Travel Insurance Medical Claim in real life

    This short and real story about a travel insurance medical claim in real life has a happy ending and we are ecstatic that Mr Cameron was able to tell us about it with the aim of warning others that for a small price you can insure against real worry and it is worth the peace…

  • Travel Protection – Adventures in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe – part 1

    Travel Protection – Adventures in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe – part 1

    Mana Pools in the north of Zimbabwe is one of my favorite places. You are allowed to walk here because the bush is so open in the dry months of the year. The wild life is prolific, unequaled really and walking among them one gets a sense of the birds and the smells and the…